Two Extraordinary Episodes in Two Weeks!

Thank you to our listeners for all the positive feedback from the launch of our newest podcast and our first episode with Joe Beda. We appreciate everyone who emailed or messaged us on LinkedIn, Twitter or followed us on JazzComputing Youtube Channel.

We are excited to welcome two  extraordinary guests to our week 2 & 3 of the podcast.

Matei Zaharia
, Creator of ApacheSpark and MLflow, Co-founder and CTO of Databricks, joined us last week in a very rich conversation about building and scaling open source software, MLflow, Spark, MLops and his advice to young researchers and engineers entering the field on building an impactful career.

Joe Spisak, Product Lead of Pytorch at Facebook, is joining us this week on Sunday to discuss open source software, AI platforms, today's ML frameworks & the future of MLops. He will also share with us the future of Pytorch and how he envisions the framework to look like in 2025.

Stay Tuned! Our new episodes are always live on Sunday.

Meanwhile, you can subscribe to our YT channel or email us at with feedback and/or nominations for new guests that you will like to hear from on our podcast.

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